Today I’d like to share 10 brilliant ways to use tension rods throughout the house.

Here are 10 brilliant ways to use tension rods throughout the house. I love using tension rods because they are inexpensive, easy to install & so versatile!

I love to use tension rods because they are inexpensive, easy to install, and so versatile! They are great for my organizing clients to use because they don’t require any tools to install and don’t leave any damage behind, so they are perfect for renters.

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You may already have some tension rods stuffed in the back of your closet or in the basement collecting dust.

Well, now’s the time to put them to good use!

If you don’t have any laying around, grab some from your local Wal-mart or Target, or order them online. These are what I use.

Use tension rods to corral unwieldy cookie sheets and muffin tins.

The rods can be custom placed to fit your space.

10 brilliant ways to use tension rods - neatly store cookie sheets in cabinet

Kitchen cabinets a mess? Here are some of my favorite easy and inexpensive ways to make your kitchen cabinets and drawers more functional and organized.

Kitchen cabinets a mess? Here are some of my favorite easy and inexpensive ways to make your kitchen cabinets and drawers more functional and organized.

Use a tension rod under the kitchen sink to hang bottles of cleaning solutions.

This is the view under my own kitchen sink and hanging up the bottles creates a lot more storage space underneath. NOTE: The only caveat is that they just aren’t strong enough to hold the COSTCO-size bottles that weigh several pounds. But normal-sized bottles will hang here just fine, even full ones. πŸ™‚

10 brilliant ways to use tension rods - under the sink to hold cleaning bottles

Ready to get organized? Get your free guide of 10 fast and easy ways to get organized for under $10 below, created by a professional organizer (me 😊).

Use them as a baby gate to safely contain pets or small children.

This is especially helpful because you can easily take them with you to grandma’s or other places that require a baby gate, without having to pack a large regular baby gate. (By the way, the model for this tip is my dog, Charlie) πŸ™‚

10 brilliant ways to use tension rods - several across doorways to corral pets or kids

(If you’re a dog parent like me, here are some of my favorite ways to organize all their stuff!)

Photo of dog brush, dog toy, leash, and bowl of dog food. How to organize your dog stuff

Use 2 tension rods in a bathroom vanity to hang storage bins.

The tension rods are placed so that the bins (like these) sit between them at an angle.  What a great way to add extra storage under the sink!

Here are more ways to add storage under your bathroom sink!

Is everything just stuffed under your sink haphazardly? Here are some great ways to keep it neat and organized and make that space work better!

Use tension rods on the outside of your front windows to easily hang a wreath.

If the front of your house is flat like mine, however, it’s just as easy to hang the wreath inside the window as well. Awesome!

Struggle with organizing your Christmas decorations? Check out how I organize them as a pro organizer!

Are all of your Christmas lights in one giant tangle? Bows squashed? Garland in a knot? Here are genius ways to store & organize Christmas decorations!

Use tension rods to create a custom organized spice drawer.

If you have the drawer space, this makes finding your spices a breeze.  As I tell all my clients, it really is more efficient to keep your spices in alphabetical order, too.  (And not just because I’m a librarian πŸ˜‰  

Get a set of spice jars here.

If you store your spices in an upper cabinet instead, here is a post I did about organizing my own spice cabinet: How I organized my baking and spice cabinet.

How to organize your baking and spice cabinet so it is better organized and more efficient. Tips from a pro organizer.

Is your kitchen so messy you don’t even want to think about making dinner? THE ULTIMATE KITCHEN ORGANIZATION GUIDE is a professional organizer-created Ebook, filled with 41 pages of the best kitchen organizing tips, tricks, and meal plan help that will get your kitchen the most organized it’s ever been!

Is your kitchen so messy you don't even want to think about making dinner? THE ULTIMATE KITCHEN ORGANIZATION GUIDE is an e-book created by a professional organizer, filled with 41 pages of the best kitchen organizing tips, tricks, and meal plan help that will get your kitchen the most organized it's ever been!

Use tension rods and S hooks to create easy bracelet storage.

This could easily be used for necklaces or scarves as well. I like this set of S hooks because of the rubber stop on the ends that keep things from sliding off.

Overwhelmed? Tired of the clutter but don’t know where to start? Get the FREE list of 50 items to declutter RIGHT NOW!

Overwhelmed? Tired of the clutter but don't know where to start? Get the FREE list of 50 items to declutter RIGHT NOW!

Use tension rods to create a vertical shoe rack.

Using tension rods this way works especially well in the space at the sides of your closet, which is usually pretty narrow and not functional. But if you have a little alcove like in the picture below, it will work great, too!

Use tension rods and clips to hang bags in the pantry.

This helps create more space on the shelves themselves. This super simple setup also uses S hooks. Just hang the bags up using binder clips! So easy.

Here are more ways to get your pantry neatly organized! Make your pantry feel twice as big with these quick & easy strategies to get your pantry organized and keep it that way.

Make your pantry feel twice as big with these quick & easy strategies to get your pantry organized and keep it that way.

Struggling with meal planning? Grab your free freezer and pantry inventory sheets to make meal planning fast, easy, and organized.

downloadable freezer and pantry inventory sheets

Use a tension rod and S hooks under the upper kitchen cabinets to hold utensils.

This is a great way to keep all those cooking utensils handy right next to the stove, yet they don’t take up valuable counter space.

See how useful these S hooks are, too? I think my next post will have to be on the many uses of S hooks in your home! πŸ™‚

See what I mean?  Tension rods are so versatile! Grab some today and get organizing!

Do you have other ways you use tension rods? Let me know!

~ Pam

P.S. Looking for items to help your unorganized friends and family? Check out our ultimate gift guide for the unorganized for some great ideas!

Know someone who is chronically messy and disorganized? Here's your ultimate gift guide for the unorganized, put together by a professional organizer!

38 Comments on 10 brilliant ways to use tension rods

  1. Such great ideas! I am definitely going to use the one that you place in the shower to hang the towels or hang damp clothes from the dryer that may shrink if fully dried in the dryer.

    • I have stain glass windows one for each window but my living room windows are over 6 feet tall. So instead of trying to hang them I lean each one on the window sill. The tension rod is behind the stain glass to prevent it from sliding off the window sill. It works perfectly

  2. I use a tension rod to hang a plant in front of my kitchen window. The plant looks great and takes the place of a curtain. I have also hung herbs to dry on that same tension rod

  3. I have a skylight that lets in too much sunlight. Blinds were costly since the skylight is at an angle. . I used 2 tension rods with a gathered sheer curtain . One rod through the header and one through the hem. Easy to take down when the months are cooler.

  4. I get mine at Walmart, brand name, Mainstays. Buy the adjustable type – much more versatile. Come in several lengths i.e. 18-28″, 28-48″ up to 82″, in white or brown, priced as low as $3.48 each, with instructions. Buy one of the cheapest and experiment with it. You’ll find many uses for them.
    A word of caution – the kid or pet gate is a bad idea – easily dislodged, unless you screw a few plastic bottle caps to the walls to keep them from slipping. Still a bad idea for kids as they are rated for only 15 pounds of weight, easily exceeded by a small toddler.

    • I also have ones from Walmart. I agree, they work very well. Of course it goes without saying to use them as gates only in a situation you know will be acceptable. For my dog, pictured in the photo, he will not try to go through or over them. So it works well for me.

      • my little mutt would climb trough BUT – if i use the stronger ones and add a net curtain– he can see through but stops him in his tracks

        used similar at the caravan doors for the kids when we were on holiday to avoid them falling down the steps

  5. I have a tension rod in my shower. It runs parallel with the tub but the rod is a little lower than the shower head and I hung metal baskets with S hooks for shampoo, body wash, etc storage.

  6. I use a tension rod in the shower when I am ready to clean/wash mini blinds, I hang the blinds by corded loops on the rod to let them dry., naturally, by oscillating fan or hair dryer.

  7. Great ideas! I used 3 tension shower rods under my basement steps to hang all of my seasonal wreaths. I would post a picture if I could.

  8. We travel year round in our motorhome. I use tension rods in my refrigerator in front of each shelf while we’re driving to keep jars, etc from moving forward and falling out when I open the door. Also I put one in front of each shelf in the medicine cabinet in bathroom. We’ve had spills and breaks so learned the hard way. Loved your other ideas.

  9. I love this idea I use shower rods in a lot of areas for heavier duty tension rods or dowel rods and wall cups with screws to hold them in place.

  10. Wow! I have never seen so many ways to use tension rods in so many places. Have used on metal grated shelfs in laundry closet closet above washer though.

  11. I created a screen door with a precut screen and stapled the screen around the rod and put it in the entrance

  12. 1. Use a sturdier, thicker tension rod under the sink. I tried this idea with a lightweight rod and had a huge fail.
    2. I made my own “shelf” in a metal cupboard using 3 tension rods. The shelf itself is foam core board. Granted, you can’t put anything heavy on it but it works well for napkins and plastic takeout containers.

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