Are you always on the lookout for ways to make your home more organized? Me, too! And if I can reuse items I already have, even better! So today I want to share with you 10 free organization ideas for the whole house using items you already have.
It was hard to do, but I have narrowed my list down to these 10 favorite free organization ideas. They are simple to make, add great storage, and best of all, they are recycled from items you’ll already have. I bet you will find them useful, too!
1. Tame the plastic lids.
Plastic lids can be like mismatched socks. Sometimes, it seems impossible to find the lid that matches the correct container! Simply, cut down the side and top of cereal boxes to make great storage containers for your plastic storage lids. That way the plastic containers can be easily stacked to save space and the lids are easy to find.

Here is how I organized my plastic container drawer.

2. Reuse empty boxes.
You can dress up plain boxes, like ones that hold diapers or copier paper, into beautiful storage containers with fabric, rope or wrapping paper.
3. Get that junk drawer organized for free!
Save your smaller empty food boxes and pretty soon you will have enough to create custom storage for your junk drawer. The best part is you are recycling boxes you already have so it’s no extra cost! Here is a tutorial on how I did it:
Use recycled boxes to organize your junk drawer.
4. Organize cords.
Most computers or entertainment centers have multiple cords plugging into various pieces of equipment. And 99% of the time they are all black. How to know which cord goes to what? Start saving your bread ties and attach them to the cords. Write what the cord goes to in Sharpie. This makes unplugging and re-plugging electronics when you’re moving them a cinch.
Here are other ways to keep those cords organized.
5. Keep the cell phone right at the outlet and off the counter.
Cut down an old lotion bottle to make a terrific cell phone holder. This is one of my favorite organizing ideas!
6. Store extra cords.
Use toilet paper tubes to organize extra extension and other kinds of cords. They can then be easily stacked neatly in a shoe box, so you’ll always be able to find them.
7. Baby food jars for small item storage.
Saving up those baby food jars is a great way to organize your garage. Just screw the lid onto the bottom of a shelf. The jar screws right onto the lid and makes a perfect way to store small items like screws, bolts and washers, as well as de-cluttering your work table. Baby food jars also work great for storing small craft items like buttons and beads.
Here are some other ways to add storage in your garage.
8. 6-pack soda holder for scarves.
Just hang the plastic 6-pack holder on a hanger and you have instant space to store scarves tangle-free. How smart!
Here are 4 ways you can use shower curtain rings to organize your closet, too.
9. Keep toothbrushes up and out of the way.
Simply spray paint large juice caps the color of your choice. Cut a notch out on one side and attach them to the wall for free toothbrush holders that seamlessly match your decor.
10. Make a cutlery holder from empty cans.
I think this is so pretty, and so simple to make. This is a great way to organize cutlery for a party or picnic.
So there you go! 10 free organization ideas to organize your whole house. Do you have other favorite ways organize using items you already have? Leave me a comment and let me know!
Happy organizing!
I am all over this post- you’ve come up with some really great ideas. My favorite has to be the lotion bottle- it doesn’t even come out looking like a bottle in the end! Just goes to show you don’t need to spend a lot of money on fancy products to get your life more organized!
Thanks, B! The lotion bottle is one of my favorites, too. 🙂