Here are 10 fun school snacks kids will gobble up at their end of the school year party!

Here are 10 fun school snacks kids will gobble up. Great for classroom parties and other occasions too, like birthday parties or Halloween!

School is just about over for the year and the classroom parties are in full swing.  Make any of these adorable snacks and let your kid be the star!

These can be used for other occasions too, like birthday parties or Halloween, but for now, though, we are focused on getting through these last weeks of school. Right, frazzled parents, kids, and especially teachers? 🙂

Fun school snacks:

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Peanut butter puppies.

Made with Nutter Butters, white and chocolate chips and caramels. So cute!

10 fun school snacks. Peanut butter puppies made from Nutter butters, white and chocolate chips and caramels! How cute!!!
from: hungryhappenings

Oysters with their own pearls.

Shell cookies, pink frosting, and a yogurt-covered raisin for the pearl. Get shell-shaped cookies here.

10 fun school snacks. Shell cookies, pink frosting, and a yogurt-covered raisin for the pearl make a fun sea-themed treat!
from: thecelebrationshoppe

Oreo Owl cupcakes.

Chocolate cupcakes decorated with Oreos and M&Ms.  Easy and cute!

10 fun school snacks. Chocolate cupcakes decorated with Oreos and M&Ms. Easy and cute!
from: NancyCreative

Cookie monster cupcakes.

I am NOT a fancy decorator/icer, but even I can use a tube of pre-mixed blue frosting with a star tip and make these. 🙂

10 fun school snacks. I am not a fancy decorater/icer, but even I can use a tube of pre-mixed blue frosting with a star tip and make these. :)
from: fromvalskitchen

Sesame Street veggie platters.

I LOVE these!!!!  They look just like the characters and it’s a healthy alternative to the sweets! Cookie Monster is blueberries and Blackberries.

Elmo is grape tomatoes, canned black olives, and baby carrots, and Oscar is broccoli, black olives, and baby carrots. Their eyes are cups of ranch dressing and pupils are the tip of black olives. What a great way to have some healthy snacks at a party!

10 fun school snacks. I LOVE these!!!! They look just like the Sesame Street characters and are a healthy alternative to party sweets!
from: offbeathome
Use your freezer to make meal prep fast and easy + save money keeping your garden harvest fresh! Get your FREE 26-pg e-book of time-saving freezer tips here.

Apple teeth.

I have made these many times with my story-time kids at the library.  This is an easy snack craft for preschoolers! And it simply uses apples slices, mini marshmallows, and peanut butter “glue.”

10 fun school snacks. I have made these many times with my storytime kids at the library. This is an easy snack craft for preschoolers!
from: readyseteat

Apple faces.

These just made me laugh.  I can see these being a big hit with kids (they were with my son)! These use apple slices, but I think Kiwi would work really well, too! I think the sunflower seed teeth are a special touch! 🙂

10 fun school snacks. These just made me laugh. I can see these being a big hit with kids (they were with my son)! I think the sunflower seed teeth are the best part!
from: forkandbeans

Screaming pretzels.

Chocolate covered pretzels and candy eyes.  Easy and fun! These would be great for Halloween, too.

Here is how to make them – Halloween pretzels with ghosts, goblins, and ogres!

And if you are reading this around Halloween, Thanksgiving is just around the corner…

Spider sandwiches.

Ritz crackers, peanut butter, candy eyes and pretzels. Easy and yummy! NOTE: You can also fill them with cream cheese if there are peanut allergies.

from: onelittleproject

Celery butterflies.

So sweet!  Stuff celery with peanut butter, cream cheese, or even hummus, add pretzel wings and raisin eyes.   Voila!

10 fun school snacks. So sweet! Stuff celery with peanut butter, cream cheese, or even hummus, add pretzel wings and raisin eyes. Voila!
from: ehow

***So many of these treats use candy eyes, I thought I’d put a link on here to purchase them from Amazon if you can’t find them locally. Click here.

It was so hard to decide which fun school snacks to include!  There are tons out there, but these were my favorites.  If you have other ones, please share!  I’d love to see them!

Looking for a great teacher gift?  Here are 2 ideas: Easy DIY teacher’s gift and two gifts in one for your teacher.

~ Pam

P.S. Want some more kid-friendly, yummy desserts? Fill out the form below to get a free downloadable copy of recipes for my 10 favorite easy desserts!

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