Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

Love feeding birds? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders. Attract birds with these easy bird feeder designs. Ideas for both adults and kids.

Since I am all about saving money by recycling and repurposing items and doing do-it-yourself projects, I have gathered 20 of my favorite DIY bird feeder ideas to share with you.  

The rules were that they had to be easy to make, use inexpensive or recycled items, and most of all, be quirky, fun, whimsical or fanciful, yet still practical.

Not too much to ask for, right?  Well, I think these all fit my list of rules and I think you’ll like them, too!

DIY bird feeders from tea cups!

I was really surprised at how many different styles of DIY bird feeders can be made using tea cups. These are so clever!

#1 Chandelier DIY bird feeders.

I saw one of these at a tea room my sister and I visited and fell in love with it! So, I made my own. What an easy DIY project! So pretty!

Here is the chandelier bird feeder I made:

bird feeder made from a chandelier and tea cups

Click below to get the instructions to make your own! 👇


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#2 A different way to use a tea cup and saucer for your bird feeder.

This one uses the saucer as the roof! It’s very simple to make. You really only need a power drill with a bit that is made especially for ceramics and glass, like this set from Amazon. (And they will come in handy for lots of other kinds of crafts and DIY projects).

I really like the design of this bird feeder because the roof keeps the seed from getting wet in the rain.

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

By the way, are your craft supplies a jumbled mess? Get a FREE copy of my top ways to organize them below. 👇

#3 Turn the teacup on its side for a small elegant bird feeder!

This one is so simple. Just glue the teacup to the saucer and hang by the teacup handle. The glue is the key to this project! You want to make sure it is strong enough to hold, but also good for use in all the seasons. My favorite ceramic glue for craft projects is Elmer’s china and ceramic cement.

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

#4 Combine teacups and glass vases.

Aren’t these just beautiful?  You probably already have a few glass vases lying around that don’t get much use. Wash them up and put them to good use. If not, old vases can be easily picked up at thrift stores or garage sales.

This is such a simple yet elegant project! Glue the cup to the saucer and then the saucer to the bottom of the vase. Then simply set the vase over thick dowels or cut down broom handles that have been pounded into the garden!

Easy, elegant DIY bird feeders in no time flat!

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

#5 Use the teapot for your DIY bird feeder instead of the teacups!

This little cutie is a teapot turned on its side! Drill a hole into the side of the teapot, and one through the lid. Thread a washer onto a long screw and push the screw up through both the teapot and the lid.

Glue the lid to the teapot to keep it secure. Then simply tie a cord to the screw and hang up your new homemade bird feeder.

Of course, depending on the lid, you could simply glue the lid to the teapot and wrap the cord around the top knob to hang it.

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

Don’t have a suitable teapot? Here is a cute one from Amazon!

These next 2 DIY bird feeders are made from coffee cans.

#6 DIY bird feeder from coffee can and other kitchen items.

This one uses a pot lid for the cover and another for the base and a tart pan as the saucer. However, since most tart pans have a removable bottom, I suggest just using an aluminum pie pan instead. It will be much easier to glue all the parts together that way.

The holes in the can are simply made using a good old-fashioned hand-held bottle opener. Stringing the lid through the hanging wire makes it very easy to lift the lid to restock the birdseed, too!

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

#7 Another DIY bird feeder from coffee can – Easy for the kids to make!

How simple is this one? This is a great project to do with the kids!

Poke two holes in the middle of the side of the coffee can with a large nail. Thread a piece of ribbon or twine through the holes for the hanger.

Now, let the kids be really creative with the painting!

The coffee can is hung on its side and you can either leave it with just one side open or remove the bottom of the can, too. Cut down the lid(s) and put them on the ends. These become both a great perch and a nifty way to keep the seed inside.  

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

Use terra-cotta saucers for a DIY bird feeder (or bird bath).

#8 A super easy hanging DIY bird feeder (or bird bath).

They really don’t get much easier than this! Set the terra cotta saucer inside a hanging basket frame for an easy bird feeder (or bird bath).

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

#9 Another easy DIY bird feeder (or bird bath).

Poke an 18″ tomato cage securely into the ground. Place a 20″ terra cotta saucer on top and voila! Easy bird feeder or bird bath.

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

Do you have another tomato cage not being used?

Dress up your front porch for the holidays with a DIY tomato cage Christmas topiary!

Awesome DIY bird feeders from repurposed items!

#10 Gumball machine DIY bird feeder

Gumball machine as a bird feeder?  Yes, please! A red plate base is attached to catch the seed and act as a perch. What a fun and whimsical idea!

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

#11 Candle holder DIY bird feeder

Not sure what to do with an old candle holder?

Mount it on the wall and fill up all those cups with birdseed. So simple!

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

#12 Repurpose old shovels into DIY bird feeders.

I love the rustic look of these old bent shovel blades.  Perfect bird feeders! And so simple. They are just bent at the neck and attached right to the tree.

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

#13 Reuse old kitchen utensils.

Look at this great feeder!  Simply an old ladle mounted on a weathered board. What a fun and simple project!

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

By the way, here are more ways to beautify your yard with DIY decor!

Looking for fun outdoor decorating ideas? Here are some great DIY outdoor decorating ideas, some practical and others just plain fun.

Next are some really great DIY bird feeders made from plastic bottles and jars!

#14 Reuse old plastic 2-liter bottles.

This is such a clever idea! Cut apart, paint, and glue (or use brads) a 2-liter bottle into a sweet little bird feeder!

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

#15 This easy feeder is another great project for the kids!

Poke 2 wooden spoons into the bottle and fill it up with birdseed.  (Note: Enlarge the hole at the bowl end just a bit to allow the seed to come out easier. Attach a hanger through the top and boom! Done! Watch the birds come!

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

#16 Another easy feeder – using a peanut butter jar.

Here is another easy, kid-friendly one. Cut a hole in the side of the jar, about halfway up. Poke a small dowel or pencil right below it for a perch. Poke a hole in the lid. Thread a piece of twine through and knot it for a hanger. Unscrew the lid to fill it up! Easy-peasy!

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

#17 Repurpose an old bleach container for this weather-proof bird feeder.

Although this one is rather plain, it could be painted. And using a bleach jug is a great design to keep the seed from getting wet in the rain. Just make sure to rinse the jug thoroughly before using!

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

#18 Use up leftover PVC pipe for a sturdy bird feeder.

Along the same lines, this one is made from PVC pipe and will last for a long time. It, too, is kind of plain, but it can be easily painted.

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

And finally, these 2 DIY bird feeders definitely fit the whimsical and fanciful part of my list.

#19 Clear glass light globe feeder.

This one is just plain fun! Have you recently replaced your outdated chandelier? Put those old globe lights to better use!

This fun little bird feeder is made from a clear glass light globe sitting inside an embroidery hoop.  How clever!

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

#20 And finally, put those old wine bottles to good use!

This is one of my favorites!  A wine bottle pouring the birdseed into a wine glass.

This one is quite the conversation piece! It uses several pieces of scrap lumber to make the holder and base. Glue on a wine glass and there you go!

Make this one so you can go out in the yard with a glass of wine and watch the birds use their own! And, besides, you need an excuse to empty those bottles so you can make these feeders for your friends, right?

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

Ready to get organized? Get your free guide of 10 fast and easy ways to get organized for under $10 below, created by a professional organizer (me 😊).

Now that you have your DIY bird feeder ready to go, here is how to store your bird seed!

Do you love to feed wild birds, but find a large bag of seed too hard to work with? Well, here's a great way to store bird seed so it is easy to pour & stays bug-free.

We also have a plain old generic bird feeder right outside our screened-in porch and I love seeing all the birds come and chow down. So does my cat. Even though he never goes outside, he’s also the reason we no longer have a squirrel problem.

The squirrels think twice about raiding the bird feeder when he’s sitting there watching them through the screen. Yay!

 Funnily enough, the birds don’t seem to mind him. We have a family of cardinals that come regularly, as well as blue jays, mourning doves, sparrows, and tufted titmice. I find it so peaceful watching birds, don’t you?

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

But, I don’t want you to think I am totally anti-squirrel! I’m not. I just don’t like that they never leave food for the birds) here is an easy squirrel peanut feeder, made from a Slinky and a macrame hoop. 🙂

Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

This list of fanciful bird feeders was so much fun to create!  Tell me, which ones did you like best?  I think I am going to have to continue this theme.   I see future posts on fun bird baths and bird houses coming soon. Stay tuned! 🙂

Happy birding!

P.S. Are you or someone you know an avid gardener? Check out our ultimate gardener gift guide to find the perfect items for your favorite gardener!

Looking for a practical or just plain fun present for your favorite gardener? This ultimate gardener gift guide has got you covered!
Do you love feeding birds? Making DIY crafts that are both fun & functional? Here are 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders to pep up your yard & fill up the birds.

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    17 Comments on 20 fanciful DIY bird feeders

    1. I would like to get the instructions to the bird bath that is made with a terra cotta bottom, tomato plant stand or cage. What do you use to make the terra cotta water catcher to the tomato stand?

      I would like to do this project with our Memory Care residents.



    2. Pingback: Pvc Bird Feeder
    3. It’s obvious you have no squirrels in your world! So lucky! These are adorable but sadly useless in my part of Texas. The squirrels destroy teacups…

      • Actually, we do have squirrels here in Florida – a lot of them, but I haven’t had a problem with them lately. For a while, the greedy little pigs would empty my birdfeeders as soon as I filled them. Then we bought a heavy-duty squirrel-proof feeder that would close the feeding holes when a squirrel stepped on the rim, but was light enough for the birds. It worked really well and I think the squirrels gave me up as a bad job after that. 🙂 So, now I can use more decorative, less “squirrel-proof” feeders…until they discover my yard again (and I’ll just go back to the squirrel-proof one for a while). 🙂

      • It depends on the size of the openings. If they are large, then bigger seed mixes that include corn and sunflower seeds would be best. If smaller, go with songbird mix or thistle seed. Enjoy watching the birds! 🙂

    4. Wow. I didn’t know that we can create so many types of BIRD-FEEDERS all by ourselves, It will be a lot easier to feed my bird now. It will also save a lot of money too. I will try making the Jar Bird Feeder!

    5. I have tried every glue known to man to glue the teacup and saucers together. As soon as it rains they come apart…any tips?

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