Do you feel like you just aren’t using your kitchen cabinet and drawer space in the best way?
Kitchen cabinets a mess?
You just know there has to be better ways to organize those kitchen cabinets so you can fit everything in them and then find them again, right?
Well, today I’d like to share with you some of my favorite easy and inexpensive ways to really make your kitchen cabinets and drawers more functional, organized and really work for you.
So here we go. Ten ways to organize those kitchen cabinets and drawers for maximum storage!
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1. Mounting a short towel rod or Command hooks onto the cabinet door makes a great hanging space for pot lids.

2. Adding several tension rods in a cabinet creates a great way to neatly store those unwieldy baking sheets.

3. Hang measuring spoons and cups on the cabinet door.
Paint the door with chalkboard paint first, and you have a great place to write grocery lists, important phone numbers, and other handy information.
I simply used Command hooks in my cabinet and then added labels for the measurements. You can get my labels here.
Get easy ways to organize the rest of your house, too.👇
4. Velcro a magazine file box to the cabinet door to hold plastic wrap, foil, and waxed paper.
5. Store water bottles or travel mugs in a magazine file box tucked inside the cabinet.
6. Add spacers diagonally in a kitchen drawer to hold long-handled utensils.
7. Organize spices and save space by attaching $3.99 Ikea spice shelves to the inside of cabinet door.
I also keep my most-used spices in one of these right on my stove.
8. Attach a shortened shoe bag or inexpensive plastic baskets to the inside of the door under the kitchen sink to hold cleaning supplies.
Inexpensive baskets from the dollar store can be attached with Command hooks or strips to the inside of kitchen sink cabinets to store cleaning supplies.
Is your kitchen so messy you don’t even want to think about making dinner? THE ULTIMATE KITCHEN ORGANIZATION GUIDE is a professional organizer-created Ebook, filled with 41 pages of the best kitchen organizing tips, tricks, and meal plan help that will get your kitchen the most organized it’s ever been!
9. Buy or build sliding shelves for your lower cabinets. This allows you to easily access the entire shelf.
Here are the ones my hubby made using plywood and slider arms from Home Depot.
Here are pre-made slider shelves that simply slide into the cabinet.
10. Cut down a cereal box to make plastic lid holders.
Here is a post I did on recycling boxes: Awesome ways to recycle cereal boxes.
I hope you found some great tips here. What are some of your favorite kitchen organization tips?
~ Pam
I had a collection of old wooden cheese boxes and I use them to hold baking supplies just pull them out and get what you need. I also put all my plastic containers in a basket and slide that out when I need one. No fumbling through lots of stuff to match lid with base.