It's almost April Fool's Day again. A fun time to be silly, especially with the kids! 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

It’s almost April Fool’s Day again. A fun time to be silly, especially with the kids! 25 April Fool’s Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

There’s the oldie but goodie of switching the contents of the salt and sugar containers.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. A fun time to be silly, especially with the kids! 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Squirt alert!  (My favorite April Fool’s Day prank!)

Wrap a rubber band around the sprayer on your kitchen sink.  When anyone turns on the regular faucet they will get a squirt from the sprayer instead.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Shoe-mania. (Another super easy April Fool’s Day prank)

Gather random family members’ shoes and put them all over the house. Under each of the dining room table legs, in the pantry, on top of the showerhead, one on each seat of the car, etc.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Ready to get organized?

Grab your free guide of 10 fast and easy ways to get organized for under $10 below, created by a professional organizer (me 😊).

Ready to get organized? Get your free guide of 10 fast and easy ways to get organized for under $10 below, created by a professional organizer (me 😊).

Put a sticky note on the sensor of your victim’s mouse.

(Great for your co-worker who has a good sense of humor.)

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Yum, brown-E’s (get it?)

A great thing for the kids to take to school… Cut out from brown construction paper.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Great for teens:

Put that stash of rubber bands to good use.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Amaze your little ones:

Take a picture of someone in this pose and show it to the kiddos!

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Have you grown?

Put a wad of toilet paper in the toes of kids’ shoes. Easy and fun to watch the perplexed looks on their faces. 🤔

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Great fun with food.

Lollipops, anyone?

Wrap broccoli or Brussels sprouts in tissue paper and stick on lollipop sticks. Get lollipop sticks here.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Why does my Raisin Bran look like dad’s Cheerios?

Put the inner bag of sugary cereal in a “healthier” cereal box and the “healthy” cereal in the sugary box.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Empty out a small Cheetos bag from the bottom and refill it with baby carrots.

It would be even easier to use a bag re-sealer, like this one.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Switch up lunch.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Here’s another:

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Surprise grilled cheese.

Toasted pound cake and tinted frosting.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. A fun time to be silly, especially with the kids! 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Meatloaf and mashed potato cupcakes.

Make individual meatloaves in a muffin tin and “decorate” them with colored mashed potatoes!

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Frozen cereal.

Freeze milk and cereal in bowl overnight, then in the morning add a bit more milk and a few bits of cereal and watch them struggle to eat it.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

This is just mean…

Oreos filled with toothpaste. (Although you’d get to eat all the creme scraped out of the middles.  I mean you CAN’T waste it, right?)

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

So, you’re in the dog house?

Cocoa puffs and “dog” biscuit (made from refrigerated canned biscuits cut out using a bone-shaped cookie cutter). Served in a CLEAN dog food bowl.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

I see you! Put stick on googly eyes on everything in the fridge for a big surprise.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Tape on the remote sensor.

Watch as your family tries to change the channel in vain…

It's almost April Fool's Day again. A fun time to be silly, especially with the kids! 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

By the way, are your craft supplies a jumbled mess?

Get a FREE copy of my top ways to organize them below. 👇

Are your craft supplies a mess? Get a free list of 10 cheap and easy ways to organize them here.

These next 4 didn’t have visuals so I added my own, but they are easy and awesome, nonetheless.

(These are from

Tape the light switch so it can’t be turned on.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. A fun time to be silly, especially with the kids! 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Bundle of undies.

Take a needle and thread and run it through every pair of underwear in the victim’s drawer, so that they are attached in one long string. When they get dressed, they will grab one pair but end up with them all!

It's almost April Fool's Day again. A fun time to be silly, especially with the kids! 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Bedroom door Tug of War.

This prank can be pulled on two victims who have bedroom doors directly across the hall from each other (dorms usually work well for this). Use a rope to tie both door knobs to each other, with just enough slack to allow one door to open a crack.

Then knock loudly on both doors at the same time. The victims will end up in a tug of war trying to get out.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. A fun time to be silly, especially with the kids! 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

I’m unraveling!

Put a spool of thread in your pocket with the end of the thread hanging out.  Ask your child to pull that loose thread and then watch as they keep pulling…and pulling.

It's almost April Fool's Day again. A fun time to be silly, especially with the kids! 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

And, finally,  the meanest April Fool’s Day prank of all:

It's almost April Fool's Day again. It's a fun time to be silly, especially with kids, so here are 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

Here is the inadvertent version I did on my son…

(These were left-over veggies brought home from a Christmas party in one of the host’s spare containers.  I stuck it in the fridge before bed intending to switch them to a clear container in the morning, but he beat me to it!) Look at that face! He was highly disappointed. 😉

(By the way, here’s the post I wrote on how to keep those plastic containers organized!)

It's almost April Fool's Day again. A fun time to be silly, especially with the kids! 25 April Fool's Day pranks to get your arsenal ready.

So, get your game on with these April Fool’s Day pranks and be a sport if they try to get you back!

Smiling little boy, wearing glasses, planning April fool's day pranks

In the mood for more holiday fun?  Here are some fun ways to organize cats! 

A row of kittens

Leave me a comment with your favorite April Fool’s Day pranks.

Happy April Fool’s Day!

~ Pam

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