Shoe bags are inexpensive and so very versatile. Here are 25 ways to use shoe bags to organize all kinds of things (even shoes)!

Shoe bags are inexpensive and so very versatile.  Here are 25 ways to use shoe bags to organize all kinds of things (even shoes)!

If you’ve been following my blog for a while you already know how much I like helping people organize on a budget. Hey, that’s why my organizing business is called The Economical Organizer!  So, today I have rounded up 25 different ways you can use shoe bags to help organize your entire house (even your car and campsite) using just this one item!

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There are tons of various styles of shoebags out there. But I recommend you get ones that have clear or mesh pockets (like these) so you can see what is stored in them.

 1. Corral all those hard-to-store travel mugs that clutter up the cabinets.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Organize travel mugs or sippy cups.

2. Sort and hold Legos.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Nifty Lego storage.

 3. For Barbies.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Keep Barbie dolls organized

4. For stuffed animals.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Store stuffed animals neatly.

Here are some other ways to store all of those stuffed toys: 5 easy ways to store stuffed toys.

Here are 5 easy ways to store stuffed toys since kids seem to accumulate tons of stuffed toys that can be a challenge to keep neatly contained & organized!

5. For video games/electronics.


Shoe bag video game storage

6. For spray paint.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Store cans of spray paint!

 7. Hold gift-wrapping supplies.

Cut the bottoms off of 2 rows to hold the long tubes of paper. The upper pockets can easily hold ribbon, scissors, and tape.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Cut the bottoms off of 2 rows to hold tubes of wrapping paper.

Here are other ways to get your gift wrapping supplies organized: How to organize and store gift wrapping supplies.

8. Cut down and hung on bathroom vanity door to hold supplies.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Under sink storage

Here are other ways to maximize the space under your sink!

Is everything just stuffed under your sink haphazardly? Here are some great ways to keep it neat and organized and make that space work better!

 9. To hold shoes (Okay, yes you can use this one for shoes) and other items along the sides of the bed. (Great for dorm rooms!)

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Well, even for shoes...

10. To hold cleaning supplies.

Makes it easy to keep the chemicals up high and out of reach of little hands.

 11. Organize supplies on camping trips.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Ultimate Outdoor Kitchen Organizer

 12.  Hold scarves, hats, and mittens.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Store winter gear

13. Store and organize dorm room food.

Here are more ways to help your college student get organized!

Looking for gifts for a college student but don't know what to get? This college student gift guide has ideas from a mom of 2 in university.

14. Organize baby food containers.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Organize and store baby food.

Here are other ways to get your pantry organized and keep it that way.

15. Organize art supplies.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes) Use a clear shoe bag to store art supplies.

16. Grow a hanging garden.

I love this vertical garden idea from Curbly. So clever!

Turn a Shoe Organizer into a Vertical Planter

17. Organize medicines and health supplies.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! First aid and medicine organizer

 18. Car storage.

Here are some other great ideas on how to keep your car clean and organized.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Car organizer and storage

 19. Organize make up.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Shoe Organizer for Makeup

 20. Organize small pantry items like gravy packets and jello boxes.

(Here is how I organized my whole pantry)

 21. Organize yarn.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Organize yarn

Here are 15 other ways to store yarn.

Are you drowning in yarn? If you are like most knitters and crocheters, I bet you are. Here are 16 clever yarn storage ideas to keep yarn neatly organized!

By the way, are your craft supplies a jumbled mess? Get a FREE copy of my top ways to organize them below. 👇

Are your craft supplies a mess? Get a free list of 10 cheap and easy ways to organize them here.

22. Organize office supplies.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Store Office Supplies on back of door

 23. Organize bathroom toiletries.

Hang a shoebag over the door to create toiletries storage in the bathroom.

 24. Organize your fashion scarves.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Organize your scarves

Here’s another way to organize those scarves.

Here are 4 simple ways to use shower curtain rings to organize your closet. You can't beat 12 shower curtain rings for a dollar, and they are so versatile!

25. Organize kids’ school and art supplies.

25 ingenious ways to use shoe bags (but not for shoes)! Art supply storage


One other idea I had was to store cans of cat or dog food!

I hope this gave you some new ideas to help organize your space. I can’t wait to try a few of these myself!   Leave me a comment and tell me which ones you are going to try or please share if you have found other uses for these handy dandy bags.

Happy organizing!

~ Pam  🙂

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