Here are 4 simple ways to use shower curtain rings to organize your closet. You can't beat 12 shower curtain rings for a dollar, and they are so versatile!

You cannot beat 12 shower curtain rings for a dollar, and they are so versatile!  I will share other ways to use them around your house in later posts, but here are 4 simple ways to make your closet more organized.

I know what you’re thinking.  Did she just say use shower curtain rings in my closet?

Yes, yes, I did!

Not only can you use shower curtain rings to organize multiple areas of your closet, but they are really inexpensive, too!

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So, I was at the Dollar Tree recently and saw a whole display rack of these shower curtain rings.  As a professional organizer (and cheap frugal), I wondered what they could be used for other than for holding up the shower curtain.  Well, here are 4 great ideas to start with, all helping you organize your closet.

Shower curtain rings can be used to organize all over your house, but especially the closet!

Ready to get organized? Get your free guide of 10 fast and easy ways to get organized for under $10 below, created by a professional organizer (me 😊).

Ready to get organized? Get your free guide of 10 fast and easy ways to get organized for under $10 below, created by a professional organizer (me 😊).


Are all of your purses different sizes and shapes? Purses can be really hard to organize because the handles are in so many different sizes. Hang each purse on an individual shower curtain ring. Hanging each purse on its own ring works great because it doesn’t matter how long the handles are.  They all hang neatly!

Here are 4 simple ways to use shower curtain rings to organize your closet. You can't beat 12 shower curtain rings for a dollar, and they are so versatile!


I love using shower curtain rings for scarves because they work equally well with straight scarves and infinity scarves. You can hang them like the purses, right on the rod, or attach the rings onto a thick hanger to save more space.

Here are 4 simple ways to use shower curtain rings to organize your closet. You can't beat 12 shower curtain rings for a dollar, and they are so versatile!

Overwhelmed? Tired of the clutter but don’t know where to start? Get the FREE list of 50 items to declutter RIGHT NOW, proven ways to declutter from a professional organizer! A list of 50 fast and easy items to declutter that you may not have even thought about (& you won’t miss)!

Overwhelmed? Tired of the clutter but don't know where to start? Get the FREE list of 50 items to declutter RIGHT NOW!


If you or someone else at your house has a large collection of baseball caps, it can be a real challenge to keep them neat and organized.  Hang the hats through their loops onto shower curtain rings and thread the rings onto a hanger. Easy peasy for a small collection. For a larger collection, mount small curtain rods onto your closet wall or door and hook up the hats right through the back. It is easy to see all of the hats at a glance and they are easy to get on and take off the rod, too.

Here are 4 simple ways to use shower curtain rings to organize your closet. You can't beat 12 shower curtain rings for a dollar, and they are so versatile!


Belts can be a real challenge to keep organized and untangled. Thread the shower curtain ring through the belt buckle and, depending on how many belts you have, you can hang them straight on the rod, as pictured above, or if you only have a few, then on a hanger (like the scarves in the picture above).  If you have the space on a wall in the closet, you can also use a curtain rod and slide them on or off.

Here are 4 simple ways to use shower curtain rings to organize your closet. You can't beat 12 shower curtain rings for a dollar, and they are so versatile!

Now that you’ve organized your bedroom, here are some tips on how to organize kids’ clothes.

So what are you waiting for? Go grab some shower curtain rings for a buck and get organizing!

Leave me a comment and let me know how it goes!

~ Pam

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