20 fun Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas from a children's librarian

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss’ birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

I was a children’s librarian for almost 20 years, so I know a thing (1) or thing (2) about Dr. Seuss! I am so very glad to see how many libraries and schools celebrate the importance of reading by celebrating one of the world’s most beloved children’s authors. Many, many of us have learned to read through his books and they are so timeless, that kids today are still lapping them up! As a librarian, I cannot stress how important it is for children to have access to books. And what’s even more important is for the special people in their lives to take the TIME to read with and to them.

I am the youngest of 6 kids (by many years – let’s just say I was a BIG surprise in my family) and my brothers and sisters tease me to this day because they all had to take took turns reading to me when they were in their teens and 20’s and I was little.  I had the books memorized and would kick up a BIG fuss if they skipped any of the words. (Thanks, guys, for being patient big brothers and sisters! ;)) So, it was absolutely no surprise to anyone in my family when I worked in my school library beginning in 3rd grade, worked in my local library shelving books when I was in high school, met my husband of 30 years because he, too, worked in the same library, and then went on to get my Masters degree in Library Science. And so even though I’ve been a librarian for “only” 17 years, I have worked in libraries for 33! Yikes!

So in honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday and all the joy he has given children since 1937 when his first book, And To Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street, was published, here are some of my favorite ways to celebrate him as well as the importance of reading and instilling the love of books to children everywhere!

Here are some fun facts about Dr. Seuss and a few of his books.

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

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Bartholomew and the Oobleck

Of course I have to include how to make Oobleck! It’s such fun to play with!

Click here or the image below for a printable PDF version.

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

The Butter Battle Book

Have the kids make their own butter after reading The Butter Battle Book.  Use a jar with a tight-fitting lid and that is big enough to leave some room at the top for the shaking. Add 1/4 c. of heavy cream, put the lid on and shake it! *Note: a 1/4 c. of heavy cream makes about a tablespoon of butter. Then, like the Yooks and Zooks, ask them, “Which side should you spread when you butter your bread?”

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

The Cat In The Hat

Easy Jello hats snack.

Made with cherry jello and sweet evaporated milk layers. *This one is easy but time-consuming because you have to let the layers set up before adding the next one.

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are some fun ideas to help you celebrate reading, and keep you on your toes!

The cat in the hat’s nose.

An easy to make craft using black paper strips, red pom-poms, and a craft stick!

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

Fox in Socks

I love this book, but it was always impossible to read for storytime because it was soooo long.  And I was always afraid I would get tongue-tied and mess it up. 😉 But I love this easy craft! We went through oodles of paper bags in crafts at the library! Click the image to go to the download site.

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

By the way, are your craft supplies a jumbled mess? Get a FREE copy of my top ways to organize them below. 👇

A free list of 10 cheap and easy ways to organize your craft supplies, created by a professional organizer and avid crafter.

Green Eggs And Ham

This is my favorite Dr. Seuss book! It’s such fun to read! And of course, the edible treats are endless with this one! Green scrambled eggs, and green dyed hard-boiled ones, but I really like this nice, simple platter because all that needs to be dyed is the deviled egg mixture!

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

Horton Hears A Who

Sweet Horton.  Such a good lesson about being kind to others. Here are several cute ideas.

Simple paper plate craft.

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

Horton puppet.

This one is a bit more intricate, but so clever! Made from a paper plate and gray men’s sock!

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

How The Grinch Stole Christmas

I just love these Grinch Rice Krispies treat hearts! So darned cute!!! And here are some candy hearts to go with them.

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

The Lorax

Okay, now, I just have to be honest.  I do not like this book or the original movie from 1972 (I could not bring myself to watch the 2012 one at all) because the story is SO SAD. It breaks my heart to see the Lorax’s little pile of stones and UNLESS. Wah! 🙁  But, on the other hand, this story really made me much more aware of my responsibility of doing my part to keep the world clean.  That is why I love repurposing items and recycling, too.  And celebrating Earth Day with ideas like this.  So, as sad as it was, it is an important book, and, besides, the Lorax is so cute with that big ol’ mustache!

Lorax Nutter Butter cookies.

Yellow frosting mustache and candy eyes. Easy and cute!

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

Truffula trees.

Made from inexpensive Dollar Tree items! (Plunger and feather boas) Sweet!

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

But this idea is one of my favorites!!!

A Lorax flower pot the kids make and then sunflower seeds for them to plant in it! A perfect craft for The Lorax!

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

The Lorax original movie.

Ok, if you want to have an ugly-cry-fest, here is the link to the 1972 movie on You Tube.  Now keep in mind this was 1972 and the music sounds like it. By the way, I was 6. This scarred (yes, not a typo, scarred, not scared) me almost as much as The Wizard of Oz’s flying monkeys and the terrifying Bumble from Rudolf, but I digress… 😉

Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can you?

I love this printable sign for Yoo-hoo!

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Scoop up rainbow Goldfish with a NEW clean fish net!

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

Or you could use Swedish fish and gummy sharks

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

Yertle The Turtle

Easy yet yummy twist on turtle candies.  Made with pretzels, Rolo’s candies and pecans.

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

Free Dr. Seuss fonts.

So many of these pictures use awesome Dr. Seuss-esque fonts, so if you want to download some to make your own signs, here’s where I found the ones I used for my Oobleck printable.

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

And of course,  to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday, I have to leave you with my favorite Dr. Seuss quote!

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday, as any good librarian knows, so here are Dr. Seuss birthday party ideas to celebrate reading and keep you on your toes!

So, remember to read to a child, and never lose your own love of books!

What was your favorite story you or your kids had to read over and over again? Leave a comment and let me know!

Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss!

P.S.  Did you notice the books are in alphabetical order by title?  See? Once a librarian, always a librarian! 🙂

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