Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch. Enjoy some of our library funnies.

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week 2024. 📚

I am a retired librarian. I worked in libraries for 34 years.

In that time, I have been a shelver, worked the circulation desk, spent 12 years as a children’s librarian and for the last 9, as an academic librarian in several colleges, so I know a bit about the library world.

We are a quirky bunch, but you probably already know that.

So, today, I hope you will indulge me while I share some of my favorite library funnies with you.

And, the next time you visit your local library, let the staff know that you appreciate them.  It means a lot to hear that from the people we serve 🙂

But, before the library humor, a bit of information for you.

April 23rd-29th is National Library Week.

What is National Library Week, you ask?

According to the American Library Association:

First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country each April. It is a time to celebrate the contributions of our nation’s libraries and librarians and to promote library use and support. All types of libraries – school, public, academic and special – participate.

National Library Week 2024 is April 7th-13th.

The theme is Ready, Set, Library!

Libraries are full of stories in a variety of formats from picture books to large print, audiobooks to ebooks, and more. But there’s so much more to the story.

Libraries of Things lend items like museum passes, games, musical instruments, and tools. Library programming brings communities together for entertainment, education, and connection through book clubs, storytimes, movie nights, crafting classes, and lectures.

Library infrastructure advances communities, providing internet and technology access, literacy skills, and support for businesses, job seekers, and entrepreneurs. National Library Week is a great time to find out about your library’s multi-faceted story.

*This post includes some affiliate links for your convenience. Click here to see my full disclosure policy.

So, to begin the library humor, I must admit that this is the current header of my personal Facebook page 😉

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

Told you we had a quirky sense of humor…

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

Ready to get organized? Get your free guide of 10 fast and easy ways to get organized for under $10 below, created by a professional organizer (me 😊).

Ready to get organized? Get your free guide of 10 fast and easy ways to get organized for under $10 below, created by a professional organizer (me 😊).

Smooth operator…

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

I REALLY want this shirt 🙂

Women's Ha, Ha! Made You Read - Funny Teacher T Shirts Large Navy

Yes, yes, yes!

Love this! Huffington Post

I volunteer to Google with Han Solo 😉

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

Ugh! One of my pet peeves…

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

Or librarian…

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

Okay, this made me laugh WAY too hard 🙂

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

Yes, I must admit, Belle is my favorite Disney princess because she reads a lot (even to sheep).

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

See??? Coincidence?  I think not.

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

So many friends have posted this library humor picture to me, that I just had to share it. (And yes, I have filed cards into those card catalogs…)

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

Remember old date due cards? How about as socks?

I got this pair from Amazon. See them here.

library date due card design on yellow socks - a must-have accessory for book lovers :)

Exactly…(although I did hit that milestone a few years ago, so hurry up, Gandalf… you’re late)

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

Yes, this has happened to me.  Many times.  And, not to brag, but quite a few times I have found the one they were looking for. (They were not impressed, though, because they assumed I would know… sigh)

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

Yes! I think all library people have this, actually…

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

You have been warned…

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

My favorite Dr. Who quote. This HAD to be included. 🙂

No joke. Books are the greatest weapon in the world!:

And finally…

All library staff’s #1 pet peeve!😁

Here is some library humor to celebrate National Library Week. Library people and book lovers alike are a quirky bunch, Enjoy some of our library funnies.

Thank you for letting me share these. I hope you enjoyed them, too!

Looking for some awesome gifts for your favorite bibliophile?

Check out the ultimate book lover’s gift guide for some great ideas!

 What do you like to read?  Leave me a comment and let me know.  I’m always looking for new authors!

Happy reading!

~ Pam

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    3 Comments on Library humor to celebrate National Library Week

    1. I, too, filed in those cabinets! I actually typed up the cards back when the Library of Congress limited the number of cards per new book book that they issued. Howevet, libraries needed to cover as many possible search options for the cabinets as possible and many books required we create more. Ah the good old days! 😅 Loved the quotes!!

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