If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too.  Today’s post is about how to organize your dog stuff.

But, first, like a good dog owner, I have to show you a picture of my dog.  This is Lacey.  She is our awesome 16-year-old mutt we got from the pound when she was 9 weeks old.  She’s part German Shepherd and part collie (we think).  I don’t know about you, but I think mutts are the best.  She has such a great personality and loves us with a complete and unconditional love.  I bet your dog is the same!  And that’s why we love them so.  So, to make life with your 4-legged family member easier, here are some ideas I’d like to share about how to organize your dog stuff.

If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too. Here's how to organize your dog stuff.

DIY leash holder.

There are so many designs out there.  Here are two I really like:

This one uses scrap wood.  I love the mason jar of treats, too.  Lacey is VERY big on treats!

Here is a round up of 25 awesome mason jar crafts that go from functional to decorative to just plain fun to create! They are inexpensive and so versatile!

By the way, here are 25 other things you can do with mason jars!

Ready to get organized? Get your free guide of 10 fast and easy ways to get organized for under $10 below, created by a professional organizer (me 😊)

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Here are my favorite size of mason jars (on Amazon).

This one is so simple, too.   I love the attached bag holder.

If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too. Here's how to organize your dog stuff.

Organize treats and supplies.

This uses a simple inexpensive set of drawers. Easy.

If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too. Here's how to organize your dog stuff.

Re-purpose an old dresser.

Using a dresser is so clever.  Store the supplies in the drawers and use the bottom drawer for their food and water.

If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too. Here's how to organize your dog stuff.

If you buy your dog food in bulk like we do, store it in a large bin with an air-tight lid.

We actually keep ours right next to Lacey’s food and water bowls because it’s always been the kids’ job to feed her.  That way we don’t have dog food rolling all over the kitchen when they tried to fill her bowl. Like her mat?  🙂 Get it here.

If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too. Here's how to organize your dog stuff.

We just keep a large plastic drinking cup in the bin for a scoop, but you can also attach a Command hook to the outside to hang up the scoop.

If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too. Here's how to organize your dog stuff.

Treat containers.

Lacey loves her treats.  Bet your dog does, too.  We keep her treats in an old cheese ball container. Nothing fancy, but I like that it has a tight-fitting lid. Here are some great DIY ones to use for your own pet or to give as a gift to another pet owner.

Painted mason jar.

See, I told you those mason jars were awesome for lots of projects!

If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too. Here's how to organize your dog stuff.

How about this little cutie?  Made from terra cotta pot and saucer with a glass bowl for the treats. So cute!

If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too. Here's how to organize your dog stuff.

Dog beds.

Here are some great ideas for DIY dog beds, so your furry family member can sleep like a king or queen! 🙂

This one is made from an old drawer and kitchen cabinet door.

Awesome!!!  (Here are other ways to re-purpose old dresser drawers)

If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too. Here's how to organize your dog stuff.

If you have a small dog, it’s easy to make cute bed from a night stand.

Just add a cushion and a door.

If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too. Here's how to organize your dog stuff.

Last one is an indestructible dog bed made from a tire.

Love it! (note: the site this is in Portuguese, but you get the gist from the picture.)

If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too. Here's how to organize your dog stuff.

How to keep your house clean with a dog around.

Lacey sleeps in her crate.  It is her “safe” zone.  But she’s old and sometimes has an accident in there overnight, especially since her onset of Old Dog Syndrome. So, here is another post I wrote showing how we clean her dog bed. It is easy, really!

Clean the dog bed? Not a pleasant topic, but to keep your home clean and your pet healthy, cleaning soiled pet bedding is gross but necessary (and easy).

Finally, you can use several ways to keep all that fur they shed under control.

I use a cat brush to clean the fur off of both Lacey’s bed and the cats’ beds, too.  Seriously! It works fast and gets almost all of the hair off!

If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too. Here's how to organize your dog stuff.

An inexpensive squeegee works GREAT to remove fur from carpets, furniture, and car seats. If there is still some stubborn hair, use a spray bottle to mist some water on it to really get it up. (Here are other ways to really get your car clean)

If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too. Here's how to organize your dog stuff.

You can also use a rubber glove to do the same thing!

Use a rubber glove to get pet fur off of furniture!

So, there you go, easy ways to organize your dog stuff!  How do you organize your dog stuff?  Drop me a line! I’d love to know!  Oh, and of course, if you want to show off your fur baby, too, show me in the comments 🙂

Happy organizing!

~ Pam (and Lacey – woof)

If you have a dog, you probably have a lot of supplies, toys, bedding, and other items for them, too. Here are some great ways to organize your dog stuff.

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    10 Comments on Organize your dog stuff

    1. I can’t wait to try out some of those cleaning techniques on Gemma’s dog bed. Thanks so much for sharing. Lacey is lucky to have such a devoted mom!

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