Got a bumper crop of zucchini? Use it for a decadent double chocolate zucchini bread! Oh yeah, THIS is the way to eat your vegetables! Read more…
10 awesome Ikea hacks you need to try.
Now, I am a DIY crafty girl, but I found people that have taken this to a whole new level and I just want to share these awesome ideas with you, too. So here we go – 10 of my favorite unique Ikea hacks – enjoy! Read more…
25 Funny (and not too mean) April Fool’s Day pranks.
It’s almost April Fool’s Day again. A fun time to be silly, especially with the kids! 25 April Fool’s Day pranks to get your arsenal ready. Read more…
10 ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
10 fun and easy ideas to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, including crafts, authentic recipes, and fun facts. You can even find out your leprechaun name! Read more…