Crockpot Thanksgiving dinner. Layers of turkey, gravy, stuffing & green beans make a easy to prepare, delicious meal in one crockpot! Just add sides & dessert for a full meal. Read more…
A professional organizer’s ultimate gifts for the unorganized
Know someone who’s always disorganized? Here’s the ultimate list of gifts for the unorganized, put together by a professional organizer! Read more…
Homemade ice pack (for after wisdom teeth removal)
Make your own DIY ice pack for after wisdom teeth removal. Easy to make with items you already have + a free checklist of soft foods to eat while recovering! Read more…
Use cake mix to make easy lemon cookies
Easy lemon cookies. These refreshingly delicious cookies only have 6 ingredients & one is a box of lemon cake mix. That is my kind of recipe! Read more…