Did you know March 14th is “Pi Day?” The reason why is because 3.14 are the first digits of pi AND March 14th is Albert Einstein’s birthday! Those are both great reasons to eat pie, but, seriously, do we REALLY need a reason? I sure don’t! So, in honor of Pi Day, and any other day you’re hankering for pie, here are some scrumptiously easy pie recipes to whip up!
So, in case you’ve been out of math class for a while and forgot what “pi” is, it is the ratio between the circumference (the distance around the circle) and diameter (the distance through the center of the circle). (There’s your trivia fact for the day!) Here are some more fun facts about Pi Day.
But enough about math (Ewww), let’s get on to the important stuff – PIE!!!!!
So, here are some of my family’s favorite pie recipes for you to try out. Enjoy!
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Chocolate chip Tollhouse pie
I LOVE Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies! Don’t you? Here is a delicious recipe that combines Tollhouse cookies and pie! Awesome!!!
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Easy Butterfingers pie
Creamy and decadent, this pie tastes even better than the candy bar!
Rich French silk pie
This is one of my favorite pies, and this recipe is really easy, too!
Classic apple pie
Sometimes it’s best to just keep with a simple classic, and this Pillsbury recipe is it!
Grasshopper ice cream pie
Now, before you yell at me, I know this isn’t really grasshopper pie because it doesn’t have the creme de menthe in it, so consider this the “kid-friendly” version. 😉 But, this is such an easy recipe to whip up, using a store-bought Oreo crust and mint chocolate chip ice cream. And it is so refreshing!
Banana cream pie
Super simple, yet flavorful, rich and creamy. Easy to make using banana pudding and Cool-Whip.
Oreo slab pie
Slab pies are great for a crowd. And this one is easy to put together. Besides, who doesn’t like Oreos, whipped cream and cream cheese? Yum!
Lemon Cheesecake pie
Sweet but with a hint of tartness, and oh-so-easy to make!
So, whether you want to celebrate Pi Day or just have a day where you NEED some pie (I have lots of days like that!), give one of these quick and easy pie recipes a try!
Enjoy your pie! 🙂
~ Pam
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