Simple DIY hot/cold faucet fix. The blue paint rubbed off the hot/cold indicator on my faucet. Don't laugh. Here is how I fixed it in 15 minutes for $2!

I really needed this simple DIY hot/cold faucet fix.

We recently replaced our old kitchen faucet because it began leaking.  I love the design of the new one and everything was great.  Fast forward a couple of months and one day, I noticed that the blue paint was coming off of the hot/cold indicator. So, dummy that I am, I wiped it with a paper towel and all of the blue paint came right off, except for one tiny streak! Not good. I didn’t need a new faucet, I just needed a fast and simple DIY hot/cold faucet fix.

Here is what the faucet looked like before:

Simple DIY hot/cold faucet fix. The blue paint rubbed off the hot/cold indicator on my faucet. Don't laugh. Here is how I fixed it in 15 minutes for $2!

You might laugh, but here is my simple DIY hot/cold faucet fix.

I used blue nail polish!

Yep! Because I have 2 teenage daughters, we already had blue nail polish.  But it is a very popular color and easy to find anywhere nail polish is sold.  If you are interested, the color I used was “Tropical Escape” by Salon Perfect, but you can also order blue nail polish on Amazon 🙂

Simple DIY hot/cold faucet fix. The blue paint rubbed off the hot/cold indicator on my faucet. Don't laugh. Here is how I fixed it in 15 minutes for $2!

What I did:

I used a piece of masking tape to divide the hot/cold indicator in half.  I smoothed it down, so no polish would get underneath the tape.

Simple DIY hot/cold faucet fix. The blue paint rubbed off the hot/cold indicator on my faucet. Don't laugh. Here is how I fixed it in 15 minutes for $2!

Then I painted on the first coat of nail polish on the exposed side, being careful not to get the polish on the chrome.  If you find that difficult, you can also surround the chrome with masking tape as well, leaving only the part that needs to be painted exposed.

But, if you find you did get some polish on the chrome, it is easy to remove with a Q-tip dipped in a bit of nail polish remover. You can also use a small piece of Kleenex wrapped around the end of a toothpick and dip that in the polish remover.

Simple DIY hot/cold faucet fix. The blue paint rubbed off the hot/cold indicator on my faucet. Don't laugh. Here is how I fixed it in 15 minutes for $2!

I let the first coat dry for about 5 minutes and then applied a second coat. Once the second coat was thoroughly dry, I carefully peeled off the masking tape.

Simple DIY hot/cold faucet fix. The blue paint rubbed off the hot/cold indicator on my faucet. Don't laugh. Here is how I fixed it in 15 minutes for $2!

Now, I had a crisp straight line between the blue and red.

Simple DIY hot/cold faucet fix. The blue paint rubbed off the hot/cold indicator on my faucet. Don't laugh. Here is how I fixed it in 15 minutes for $2!

Nail polish is a good choice because water does not wash it off.

I know this seems kind of silly, but really this was a fast and simple DIY hot/cold faucet fix that solved my problem perfectly!

And, besides, I now had an excuse to wear a much brighter shade of nail polish than I usually do 🙂

Simple DIY hot/cold faucet fix. The blue paint rubbed off the hot/cold indicator on my faucet. Don't laugh. Here is how I fixed it in 15 minutes for $2!

What do you think of my faucet fix-it solution?

Happy fixing!

~ Pam




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